NYU is expensive.

I have been loving the process of learning how to run a wedding photography business and would love to make this my career. A bachelors degree in filmmaking from NYU Tisch of the Arts is 100% not a requirement for the job.

I began to think I was simply only enrolled because it was the "normal" path to take or because I was already halfway there. And considering the price of NYU tuition, which could be used to help my parents retire early, staying in NYU just seemed like the wrong decision by all logic.


So I decided to approach my dad and tell him I was considering dropping out as I told him how I was pursuing a useless degree for my career. His answer was simple.


From that one word I thought this was a moment to go against my parents, grow up and make my own decision. Yet from the one answer I also thought about another decision I could make:

I can decide to not retire my parents early with tuition money. I can decide to take whatever classes at NYU I want. I can decide to life adventurously and travel to Kenya. I can decide to fail. I can decide to be selfish because of my parents endless sacrifice working humbly and hard after moving from Korea for my future.

Self doubt gives you the courage to dare what you believe in

My degree from NYU degree is definitely not a requirement for my job. But it allows me to fully commit to my own growth.

When I graduate in a year It's not just about myself. but it's about celebrating the path carved out for me because of the sacrifice of those before me.

I have been fortunate enough to be trusted by the best clients to memorialize this achievement of graduation. I hope my own emotions will pass through my camera to you with my photographs, as I snap away and envision myself soon wearing the purple cap and gown.