Why Kenya?

I met a psychologist named Hilarie Cash as I learned about an international project she was working on in her field of expertise to learn how the internet is impacting communities across the world, starting in Kenya.

Then by coincidence, my mom bumped into a friend at a CVS and they got to chatting as my mom told her about my planned trip. My mother's friend then told her about how she knew an elder korean couple living in Kenya for the past 20 years working as missionaries. She quickly passed on my information to the korean missionaries as they cared for me and gave me their number to be an emergency contact for myself in Kenya.

I then decided to meet the missionaries, Pastor Park and his wife while I was in Kenya.

Another World

Catching a glimpse into Pastor Park's world was an awe inspiring experience. I learned about his work over the past 20 years in Kenya, building 5 schools and providing lunch to over 1000 children everyday: and much more but it would be too tedious to list every single one of his accomplishments (helping a man remove an enormous tumor on his back, helping a kid afford college tuition to become a doctor, building a borehole to provide clean water to Maasai people).

His home is located in a gated area of land (Most buildings in Kenya have gates) with a church in the center. Staying with him for a night, I was able to experience a day in the life, waking up and walking outside to be greeted by a huge community with children playing in the yard, others singing in the church, and some quietly gathering together.

So what?

I learned that leading a life dedicated to serving others isn't about being seen as a good person, or being able to sleep at night assuring yourself you are righteous, but about the true joy that comes from loving others.

I hope I will always remember the lessons learned from this trip and although I may stumble down wrong paths, I hope I can stay dedicated and focused to simply being a good man.

Want to help me on my next journey?

I would like to help Pastor Park fundraise to build a borehole to provide clean water to the community of Maasai people he works with.

With a donation, I will happily book a mini photo session. Contact me here for more info

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